Server Rules


This page is the central rules list for the entirety of our GTA V roleplay community. You are expected to know and be familiar with all the rules on this page before playing on our server, this includes checking back frequently for any updated rules.

We want to foster great roleplay and experiences while you play on our roleplay servers. As such these rules are strictly enforced and are punishable by a kick or ban from our servers with no warning.

It is your responsibility to follow and keep up to date with our rules, nobody will be grandfathered in or is exempt to the rules. If you encounter a player breaking any of our rules do not break RP to call them out. Gather evidence, then visit our player reporting section and follow the instructions there.

All rules are at Admin Discretion


  1. Value your life and the lives of others. This includes but is not limited to:
    1. If you're greatly outnumbered, have a gun pointed at you, or you cannot escape you shouldn't be trying to get away.
    2. Ramps are considered NVL - this includes using the end of the pier as a ramp off point
  2. Do not RDM/VDM (aka Random Deathmatch/Vehicular Deathmatch). You cannot kill someone without first having interacting or announcing the presence by yourself or your group (civs, gangs, cops)
  3. We have a ZERO tolerance for racism, sexism, homophobia, abuse, sexual and verbal harassment.
  4. Fail RP - Examples include but are not limited to:
    1. Do not drop/dump illegal items while being detained by LEOs.
    2. If you witness someone breaking a rule, this does not give you the right to break rules too, stay calm and in-character, obtain video-evidence and then report said, individual.
    3. If you start a robbery and back out of the timer before completing it you cannot re-initiate the robbery immediately. This is considered a failed robbery. You may not return to the area for 15 minutes after making your getaway. This means you may not return to rob the same place within this time frame.
    4. You may only take a hostage if there are 4 or more cops clocked in. Any less than this and the RP is ruined before it starts. Maximum $10,000 per hostage during negotiations
    5. You are not permitted to transfer money or metagame between your characters (your characters may know of each other but can not share information/knowledge without gaining it through other RP)
    6. You are expected to roleplay out your injuries and any consequences resulting from them.
    7. Storage crates may not be placed under water or clipping through solid objects.
    8. Jumping into the water to get away from anyone and end up killing yourself
    9. Using in-game emotes to glitch your character through walls.
    10. Lying to emergency responders about your injuries.
    11. Being behind locked doors and gates of PD and taking items from those areas.
    12. Fort Zancudo is off limits
  5. No power-gaming. Do not use items/ actions that are not in-game to excessively alter a role-play scenario.
  6. Players must be 18 or older to play here.
  7. Roleplay names must be realistic and have a first and last name. You may not use any inappropriate or famous names. Subject to admin discretion.
  8. Do not troll in any way. This includes but is not limited to:
    1. Cop baiting
    2. Blaring horns
    3. Blaring music
    4. Forcing unwanted involvement in RP situations
    5. Excessive swearing
  9. Do not combat log. Combat logging means to disconnect whilst there is an active RP scenario. Some of the scenarios include but are not limited to:
    1. Disconnecting whilst you're being followed;
    2. Disconnecting whilst you're being processed by an LEO;
    3. Disconnecting whilst you're being held hostage;
    4. Disconnecting whilst you're being revived by either EMS or an LEO.
  10. Do not combat store. For example, switching vehicles at a garage during an active chase.
  11. OOC is not for conversations, its aim is for bugs or emergencies during RP only. 
  12. The players are expected to speak English in a 'fluent' way so that RP does not become impaired due to language barriers.
  13. No crimes 15 minutes before and after a restart.
  14. Major crimes including; bank/jewelry store/heists, may only be performed by a maximum of 8 people. This includes anyone who trips the alarms.
  15. Weapons obtained from NPC’s are considered RULE BREAKING, and you must immediately drop them
  16. Animal skins are not to be used.
  17. Voice changers are not allowed unless they are used as the character's "natural voice" in roleplay.
  18. Unauthorized Vehicles (will result in a ban).
    1. Vehicles taken from the Fort Zancudo military base (jets, helicopters, cargo trucks, tanks).
    2. Any helicopters (PD are only authorized to be flying helicopters)
    3. Huge dump trucks at the Quarry
    4. Mounted gun vehicles
  19. Gangs must be established by a gang application.



  1. You cannot use anything that your character would not know to your advantages. This includes but is not limited to streams, forums, text (chat), etc.
  2. You are not allowed to mention other people's names if you have not acquired that information from someone.
  3. You may not be watching anyone's stream while in the server with them at any time.
  4. You may not be a fake hostage in any situation. Hostages must be genuine and not be associated with the hostage takers. Both parties will be punished for this.


New Life Rule

The following New Life Rules apply to everyone except in any case where an admin+ rules otherwise. These rules are strictly enforced and if you’re found not abiding by the following New Life Rules you will be punished.



You may remember all events up to being knocked out but may not remember anything while on the ground.


You may remember everything from being knocked out to be brought back up.


You must stay away from your death location for 15 minutes. You may remember all events up to being knocked out, but may not remember anything while on the ground.


Cheating, Exploiting, & Hacking

  1. You are not allowed to use any scripts, hacks or any mods not promoted by RMOG staff. This will result in an immediate permanent ban.
  2. You are not allowed to use any exploit in order to get an advantage, breaching this rule will also result in an immediate permanent ban. If you discover an exploit please report it immediately to an Admin or in the Issues tab with evidence.
  3. Exploiting can be defined as, but not limited to:
    1. Duplicating items;
    2. Duplicating money;
    3. Abusing any bug that might be present in-game in order to obtain an advantage;
    4. Going AFK whilst clocked-in as EMT/PD/SO in order to 'farm' paychecks;
    5. Screen altering effects, crops, or anything similar giving a player an advantage is strictly prohibited.
  4. These are merely examples. This, therefore, means that there are other ways that you could be exploited, just have a bit of common sense and don't take chances if you think that what you are doing could be violating this rule.
  5. If you have been banned on one account, you are not allowed to use another account in order to evade the original ban. If you are caught ban evading or helping someone ban evade you will be punished accordingly.

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