Basic Rules

Below you will find the rules that all officers are expected to abide by while on duty.


Chain of Command:

  • Commissioner // Sheriff
  • Chief // Undersheriff
  • Deputy Chief
  • Captain
  • Lieutenant
  • Sergeant
  • Senior Officer // Corporal
  • Officer // Deputy
  • Cadet

This is the chain of command. Know it. Abide by it. Respect it.

Every Officer is subject to following orders from those above them. The Only exception, is a Sheriff's Deputy, which reports only to the Sheriff.

Failure to follow orders through the chain of command is grounds for punishment and/or dismissal.

If you have a problem with someone of the same or higher rank that cannot be settled in, or out of the game, then post it for review on the forums in the Police Dept. Forum (to be added).



  • Do NOT drive or carry anything you do not have the rank to use. You can only drive the vehicles that are in the shop.  The list is in the SOPs.

  • You CANNOT have any state issue weapon/radio on you while off duty. These are the weapons and utility items that are given to you from PD.

  • All people within and around a crime scene are witnesses and are permitted to be restrained until the investigation is complete (Within Reason) If there is a witness that can attest their involvement.

  • Any police engagement must be completed before vehicles are permitted to be impounded or searched.

  • Tasers MUST be used at all times unless given orders from the highest ranking officer that is clocked in to use lethal weapons.

  • Sergeant and higher can approve the use of an assault rifle when it is needed.

  • DO NOT use Tasers on vehicles (open doors on air vehicles are ok). Major fail RP and it just bugs things out.

  • Civilians may be detained for interfering with an officer or failing to follow commands such as vacating an area and moving vehicles. You may only ask them to vacate a private area (bank, someone's home, training ground, your patrol car, etc), an active firefight where you have taken hostile fire directed at you, or at a police base. NOTE: If you detain someone during a firefight, they become YOUR responsibility. If they die by an enemy that they are not affiliated with, then YOU will be charged with criminal negligence and will be thrown in jail for 15 minutes.

  • Committing a misdemeanor is okay as a Law Enforcement officer, as long as it doesn’t carry a jail sentence. (Speeding, Running a red light, and etc.). As LEO you are NOT allowed to commit a felony.

  • You MUST use code 2 (lights only) or code 3 (lights and sirens) through intersections and/or speeding. It is required to do so.

  • Cops must NEVER GO OUTSIDE OF ROLE-PLAY. You are police officers, not administrators. Do not say “I am reporting you.” If you have an issue, submit a report on the forums or go a higher ranking officer.

  • Cops aren't allowed to play drunk EVER. You can drink while playing but not to the extent where it will affect your RP and your decisions as LEO. Courtesy of Alek Belokov.

  • Cops must always act professionally. No vulgar language, No tasing/restraining other Cops/Civs for fun. No throwing Flash Bangs for kicks and giggles. DO NOT ABUSE your "magic" powers. As in, dropping/removing peoples weapons and inventory, escorting (unless getting them away from a situation if they aren't listening), putting/pulling someone from a vehicle from far away, etc. Just be smart.

  • LEO’s are held to a higher standard of roleplay because we are the face of the server. We have SOP’s to follow, we treat everyone with respect, and we must set an example for everyone on the server.

  • Cops are required to use 10-Codes at all times over the radio.

  • YOUR VOICE IS YOUR GREATEST WEAPON Guns are our last resort. We want to be respected. Not enemies to civilians.

  • The Maximum price of a ticket is $1,000,000. After that, it is automatic Jail time.

  • Felonies will have a ticket and jail time. If they fail to pay the ticket, More jail time will be added.

  • If someone is impersonating an Officer. It is automatic jail time. NO EXCEPTIONS

  • ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS HAVE A PARTNER AT ALL TIMES!! If there is an uneven amount of cops clocked in, 3 per car is permitted. Do not exceed 3 unless permitted by the Highest ranking official.

  • DO NOT fly a helicopter if you are not AUQ (Air Unit Qualified) DO NOT ask to fly if you are not AUQ. We will permit helicopters when they are needed. Only ONE Air Unit at a time. More will sometimes be needed but only if authorized by a highest ranking official (SGT and up) If you want training/testing, ask the right people.

  • DO NOT Pester the higher-ups to be promoted. We watch all of you and your actions. You are not forgotten. Asking to be promoted will just take you longer to be promoted.

  • Speed limits within the city limits, and outside the city limits are: 45mph in city, 65mph off roads and secondaries, 80mph on major highways

  • You are allowed to play as an off-duty cop. If you commit a crime as an off-duty officer, it will result in an immediate firing.



These rules are subject to change without notice! Please please please, make sure you are keeping up to date on this post. It will be updated regularly.

Application Guidelines & Requirements 


  • Read the Basic Police Rules   
  • Verbal Warnings/Written Warnings, Strikes, and Terminations are part of LEO's disciplinary actions.
  • If your application is accepted and you pass the interview, expect the following:

              - As a Recruit (passing the interview), you will be riding with a Field Training Officer (FTO). Guidelines need to be followed,
                not following the rules will result in early termination (Recruit Field Guide will be handed out). Recruit rank may last up to 2 weeks or more.
              - It is HIGHLY possible to fail the Academy, resubmitting an application will be allowed after a 1 month wait period.
              - As a Cadet (passing the Academy), you will be with a FTO for at least 30 hours and 2 weeks. Once the 30 hours are complete, the FTO will submit information regarding your performance to LEO Command. The FTO can allow you to ride solo or with another officer, that is up to your FTO. DO NOT EXPECT to be promoted after those 30 hours. Do not ask for promotions, what you can do is ask where you need improvement and always ask questions regarding on how to do your job.


  • Only want to join for a 1-2 months to only quit.
  • Want to find out the SOP's to only use them against LEO's
  • Think they will be mini admins.
  • Cannot follow the CoC (Chain of Command)
  • Cannot listen to orders. Sorry guys/gals, respect your superiors.
  • Do not want to roleplay. We get it Robocopping is needed ONCE in a great while but we are
    here to roleplay.  Roleplay as a cop but we aren't here to push people away and at the same time we can't play favorites. This knowledge 
    will be gained overtime.



  • Must be 18 years old.
  • Must have played on the servers for a minimum of 2 weeks.
  • No Felonies at all (New character suggested)


  • All parts of the application must be filled out to the best of your ability.
  • It is required to link your character BIO if you wish to join LSPD (minimum of 100 words and more). 
  • Please use 150 words in "Why do you want to join?" section.
  • If your application is inactive for 2 or more weeks, it will be denied.
  • Do not ask command about your application, or it can/will be denied.
  • In order for your application to be considered it must have the following title:
  • - LSPD Application

Fill out the Form To Apply for LSDP officer